Upcoming Events

None for now! Stay tuned.

Past Events

Sponsored Small Meeting: Insects as Food and Feed Special Interest Group Meeting of the Royal Entomological Society (2024)

Sponsored Small Meeting: Symposium (Non-lethal study methods in conservation biology) at the 7th European Congress of Conservation Biology

Power Analysis via Simulation Workshop with the UK Reproducibility Network (May 2024)

Sponsored Small Meeting: Workshop (Farmed invertebrate welfare: What do we know, and what’s left to find out?) with the Animal Welfare Research Network at the Royal Veterinary College (May 2024)

Insect Consciousness Session at the American Philosophical Society with the Society for the Study of Ethics and Animals (March 2024)

Workshop on the Ethical Treatment of Insects in Research at Entomological Society of America (November 2023) and Royal Entomological Society’s Ento 23 (September 2023)

Early Career Meetup with the Animal Welfare Research Network (July 2023)