Graduate Student Research Awards

Awards are due October 31, 2024 at midnight your local time. Instructions below.

Informational webinar will be held Sept 18, 2024 @ 4PM BST. Register for free, here.

IWRS Student Research Award in Sentience

Purpose: The Insect Welfare Research Society aims to encourage graduate student scholars engaging in evidence-based, theoretically-grounded research on any aspect of insect or understudied invertebrate sentience (defined broadly as subjective experiences, including pain). This award will be given to a graduate student whose research has the greatest potential to make a substantive contribution to our understanding of sentience in these taxonomic groups.

Nature: This $2,000 award shall be given annually to a graduate student conducting research related to insect or understudied invertebrate sentience. Award funds can be used for research/scholastic expenses or as stipend assistance to support the student as they work.

Due date: October 31, 2024 by midnight your local time.

2023 - Becky Hansis-O’Neill, University of Missouri, St. Louis, USA

  • “Drug-induced affect as a discriminative stimulus in the common eastern bumblebee (Bombus impatiens)”

IWRS Student Research Award in Welfare

Purpose: The Insect Welfare Research Society aims to encourage graduate student scholars engaging in evidence-based, theoretically-grounded research on any aspect of insect or understudied invertebrate welfare. This award will be given to a graduate student whose research has the greatest potential to make a substantive contribution to our understanding of welfare in these taxonomic groups in farmed, wild, or research contexts.

Nature: This $2,000 award shall be given annually to a graduate student conducting research related to insect or understudied invertebrate welfare. Award funds can be used for research/scholastic expenses or as stipend assistance to support the student as they work.

Due date: October 31, 2024 by midnight your local time.

Forms relevant to both awards

Prior Award Winners

IWRS Student Research Award in Sentience

IWRS Student Research Award in Welfare

2023 - Urja Thakrar, Royal Veterinary College, London, UK

  • “Farming shrimp in mangrove forests: Does it improve their welfare?”