Small Meeting Grants

The IWRS aims to connect academic researchers and stakeholders and support the dissemination of evidence-based knowledge about insect welfare. Our small meetings grant program facilitates in-person or virtual meetings, workshops, or conferences, focused on insect (or understudied invertebrate) welfare research. These events should be considered ‘small’ – meaning equal to or less than three work and/or weekend days in length. The event should also be standalone – we do not fund series of events.

Up to $2,000 USD of funding may be provided. Funds may be used to cover items such as: travel reimbursements, tech support, registration fee waivers, food, childcare assistance, etc. Priority is given to proposals that will use some or all of the funds to improve the accessibility of their meeting and encourage equitable attendance from the global research and stakeholder community.

Please read our ‘Applicant Handbook’ for FAQs about funding restrictions, acknowledging our support, reporting on meeting results, and more. Any further questions not covered in the handbook can be directed to

The application deadline is rolling, but organizers should submit their application at least 90 days prior to the event.